Cancellation and Refund Policy
Thanks so much for joining my community.
Please read this policy carefully. This is the Return and Refund Policy of Lanoma, LLC.
Digital products
There are no refunds issued for digital products.
We recommend contacting us if you have any questions before you purchase or for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or downloading our products.
Online Training Courses
Your satisfaction with your Courses is important to us. While we don't offer refunds for purchases, certain courses will offer up to, but no more than, a 30-Day 100% money-back guarantee for the course purchased. If you (1) follow the money-back guarantee rules spelled out on that 2 Become 1 Academy page, (2) send an e-mail to request your money back to and (3) you'll be issued a refund. After the guarantee period, no refunds will be issued and full payment or all installment payments are still required and will be collected.
Coaching & Consulting
I do not offer refunds on Coaching and Consulting services because once we spend our time with you, we can’t get it back. We cannot guarantee results in a coaching or consulting relationship because results depend on your openness to being coached and your willingness to do the work. It is to YOUR benefit to decide BEFORE purchasing your package and committing to work with me that I am the right coach for you.
If you are not completely satisfied with your investment and are on a payment plan, you may request we stop collecting on future payments. (It is rare, but it does happen that a coach and client may be ill-matched and it is best for both parties to go their separate ways.)
Upon providing deposit or full course payment you are authorizing Lanoma LLC to process your payment. Upon approval of your application, you are responsible for full payment of fees for the course. No refunds will be issued if you are accepted into the course and all installments must be paid on a timely basis.
Finally, a great deal of energy, time, thought and heart goes into preparing for and being present on our calls together. If you’re late for your appointment, you lose that time. If you don’t show, you’ll still be charged in full. In turn, we promise to honor our appointments and be on time as well.
How to Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Cancellation and Refunds Policy related to our website, please feel free to contact us via:
Telephone: 1 (972) 521-6256