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How To Truly Hear What Your Spouse Is Saying

Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to truly hear what your spouse is saying, even when you're listening closely?


Compassionate listening is an essential element of any healthy relationship, but it’s especially important in a marriage. When both partners make the effort to listen compassionately to one another, they create a bond of understanding and trust that can help them through even the toughest times. Compassionate listening means truly hearing what the other person is saying and responding with kindness, respect, and non-judgment. It requires active engagement—not just staring blankly into space as your partner talks!

Here are a few tips for how to improve your communication skills and really listen to each other:


1. Start by being present. This means really focusing on the conversation and paying attention to body language as well as words. Look your partner in the eye and stay focused on what they are saying.


2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. When your spouse is speaking, take the time to ask clarifying questions if something isn't clear or you don't understand it. This shows that you're engaged in the conversation and want to understand their point of view better.


3. Don’t assume you know what they are going to say. It can be easy to jump to conclusions and think we understand something before our partner has even finished explaining it. This often leads to misunderstandings and can make your spouse feel like their opinion doesn't matter.


4. Make sure you offer support and understanding. Even if you don't agree with your partner's point of view, it's important to offer empathy and let them know that you are there for them.


5. Take breaks when needed. When things start getting heated or emotional, it can be helpful to take a break and come back to the conversation later, when both parties feel calmer and better able to express their opinions.


Compassionate listening is what helps you truly hear and can mean connecting with your spouse on an emotional level. It’s about paying attention not only to the words but to their deeper meaning—trying to understand why your partner feels the way they do. It’s about being present in the conversation, focusing solely on what the other person has to say, and giving them your full attention without interruption or distractions.


Furthermore, compassionate listening allows us to gain insight into our partner’s point of view and learn more about where they are coming from—even if we don’t necessarily agree with their ideas or opinions. This can be extremely helpful in resolving conflicts or simply in trying to understand each other better on a daily basis.


Lastly, compassionate listening is essential because it lets our spouse know we love and care for them by showing genuine interest in what they have to say and allowing them space to express themselves freely without fear of judgment or criticism. All of these things combined lead to stronger communication within marriages, increased trust levels between partners, and higher levels of happiness for everyone involved—all things that make for healthier relationships overall!


By following these tips, you can start to improve your communication skills and really listen to each other, allowing for deeper understanding in your relationship. Communication is key to a strong and healthy relationship, so take the time to truly hear what your spouse has to say!

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BOLA is a Speaker, Publisher & a Certified Life Coach offering courses, keynote speaking and coaching that promotes personal and relationship growth through the practical implementation of proven biblical methods. My life's passion and purpose is to be of service to women who want to become empowered to alter the course of their lives and relationships.

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